The Fraternity of Saint Elijah
In 1991, a number of people who wished to have closer links with the Monastery formed a fraternity. They share in the twofold inheritance, Carmelite and ecumenical, of the Monastery, in accordance with their state of life, wherever they happen to live. The Fraternity of Saint Elijah, which is interdenominational, now has almost 400 members in twenty countries. Through their diversity (they include lay people, religious, deacons, priests and bishops), the members are a sign of the People of God journeying towards Unity.
The members of the Fraternity seek to become more familiar with their Jewish origins, the "spiritual bond" between Jews and Christians. They commit themselves to work for Christian Unity through prayer, in charity and in the truth of the Gospel.
The Fraternity prayer, "The Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand", which they recite each day, unites them spiritually wherever they happen to be. Ecumenical pilgrimages and local meetings enable members to become better acquainted with one another. Some members have made a deeper commitment as "Disciples" or "Oblates." The two special occasions when members meet at the Monastery are the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in January and the Feast of the Prophet Elijah on July 20.
The Fraternity newsletter, Mikhtav, (3 issues a year), takes its name from the Book of Chronicles (Chron. 2, Ch. 21, v. 12) where the Prophet Elijah sends a letter (mikhtav in Hebrew) to King Jehoram. The newsletter can be sent on subscription to anyone who is interested in ecumenism.