There are some guestrooms available for individuals wishing to share in the prayer and silence of Carmel. If you wish to stay at the Monastery, please contact us by letter, phone or E-mail.
You can also order our publications, icons (originals or reproductions mounted on board), postcards and rosaries for the Jesus Prayer.
5, rue du Floquet
F-21500 Saint-Rémy
Tel.: +33 3 80 92 21 13
How to reach us: the Monastery is 4 km from the railway station in Montbard (Paris - Dijon line). Taxis available at the station.
Some companies where you can order a taxi:
Taxi Jusufi
+33 6 08 26 61 55
Taxis F L
+33 6 52 52 36 15
Montbard Taxi
+33 6 08 82 20 61 ou +33 6 08 99 32 39